“It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar,” humorist Jerome K. Jerome wrote about 100 years ago. Exceptionally good liars know they shouldn’t avert their eyes when telling a fib. They know that’s a telltale sign that honest people always look for. (Who hasn’t heard the old canard “Liars never look you in the eye”?) Here are a few more clues on how to detect a liar, even if he is staring right at you.

Contradictory Behavior
When your husband says “I loved the tie you bought me” while he’s wearing a tight smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, expect to see him in a turtleneck.

Like an animal avoiding detection, a liar may pull his arms and legs inward or keep his movements to a minimum—anything to appear smaller.

Hiding Hands
Liars often shove their hands behind their back because those fidgety digits might give them away.

Lip Nibbling
Your mouth has a big mouth—it often rats you out whenever a lie passes its lips.

Is there something in your eye or on your mind? Rapid blinking indicates that your brain is working overtime.

Telling a lie puts color in your cheeks. The anxiety can cause you to blush.

Flared nostrils, deep breathing … chances are someone’s anxious, especially if that tale he’s spinning is spinning out of control.